What Does a Restorative Dentist Do?

Dental health is vital for everyone. Good oral health means having healthy teeth and gums, which are necessary for good overall health. Unfortunately, many people don’t visit the dentist regularly or only go when they have a problem. This can lead to serious dental problems down the road. A restorative dentist is a specialist who can help you maintain your healthy smile for life. They work with general dentists to provide dental restoration services. The dentist restores oral health so you can look and feel your best.

A restorative dentist is someone who makes sure you have all the necessary procedures done to repair missing teeth, promote oral health, and improve the aesthetic appearance of teeth. If you are experiencing any dental problems, it is crucial to seek the help of a restorative dentist. Dr. Navid Baradarian in New York, an experienced restorative dentist, can help identify the problem and recommend an appropriate treatment plan. This article looks at some services you can get from a restorative dentist. Read more below.

  • Crowns

A crown is a type of dental restoration that covers the entire surface. It is usually made from porcelain or ceramic, and it helps protect the tooth from further damage. A crown can restore a damaged or broken tooth or improve a tooth’s appearance. Crowns are also used to cover dental implants. Crowns are cemented onto the tooth, although you can also incorporate them into complete dentures. You can also use them to cover implants. Crowns are recommended for people who have experienced tooth decay, or severe damage due to chipping, cracking or fracturing.

  • Fillings

When you have a cavity on a tooth, the restorative dentist will recommend filling it. A filling restores all or some of the lost structure of a tooth that has been damaged by decay. Different fillings can be used to restore teeth, including silver amalgam fillings and composites. Composite fillings are made from resin, glass, porcelain, or other materials. 

Composite fillings are tooth-colored and can improve the appearance of teeth with decay. They don’t discolor as silver amalgam fillings do.

  • Root Canals

A root canal is a procedure that removes all of the pulp from inside your damaged tooth. It repairs the tooth and saves it from further damage. The restoration dentist may recommend a root canal if you have suffered any major dental trauma like cracking, fracturing, or extensive decay that has eaten into the nerve of your tooth. Endodontists, not restorative dentists, perform root canals.

  • Laser Dentistry

Laser dentistry is a dental treatment that uses lasers to treat various dental problems. It can remove tooth decay, polish teeth, and help with gum disease. Laser dentistry treats dental implants. Lasers can help to reduce pain, improve healing time, and cut the amount of anesthesia required during dental procedures.

In summary, restorative dentists can offer a wide range of services to repair missing teeth, promote oral health, and improve the aesthetic appearance of teeth. Common treatments include laser dentistry, root canals, crowns, and fillings.

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