6 Facts You Didn’t Know About Dental Fillings

If you’re like most people, you probably think of dental fillings as a necessary evil. After all, who wants to have metal or plastic in their mouth? But what if there was a better way? New York aesthetic dental fillings assert that dental fillings don’t have to be uncomfortable or unsightly. Dental fillings are a necessary part of oral health. The dentist will remove the decay and fill the hole with a dental filling when you have a cavity. If your dentist has recently recommended that you get dental fillings, you may have some questions about this treatment. If so, you have come to the right place. Below are some facts you didn’t know about dental fillings.

  • Decay Can Still Happen Below the Fillings

Sometimes, people are concerned that their dental fillings will not last long. They may think that the fillings will eventually fall out, and they will have to get them replaced. This is not true! Dental fillings are very durable and can last for many years. However, decay can still happen below the fillings. If you notice any symptoms of decay, you should call the dentist right away.

  • There Are Different Materials for Dental Fillings

You can use several different materials for dental fillings. The most common material is metal. Other materials used in dental fillings include plastic, porcelain, and composite resin. Metal fillings are the most durable, but they are also the most noticeable. If you are looking for a more aesthetically pleasing option, you may want to choose plastic or porcelain fillings. Composite resin is a good choice if you want a durable filling that blends in with your teeth.

  • You Can Have It Done In One Treatment

Some people are concerned that dental fillings will take multiple treatments. This is not true! The dentist can complete the entire procedure in one treatment in most cases. You may have to come back for a follow-up appointment, but this is rare.

  • It is Painless

Many people are afraid of getting dental fillings because they think it will hurt. This is not true! The dentist numbs the area, so you do not feel any pain. However, if you have a susceptible mouth, you may feel discomfort during the procedure. But this should be minimal. After treatment, you should experience no pain.

  • Your Cavity Will Get Worse Without Treatment

Many people ignore their cavities, thinking that it will not get worse. However, if you do not treat a cavity, it can cause the tooth to break or decay further. This puts you at risk for infection and other dental issues. It is important to treat a cavity as soon as possible for these reasons.

  • They Are Not Permanent

Contrary to common belief, dental fillings are not permanent. This is why it is essential to visit the dentist regularly. Your mouth can change as you age, so you may need a new filling at some point. Depending on the material used for your dental fillings, they may last between five and fifteen years. However, they may suffer damage if you grind your teeth or eat crunchy foods.

In summary, dental fillings can help you save your teeth. However, they do not stop decay if you neglect oral hygiene, and they are not a permanent solution. Depending on the material, they come in different types, but you can have the treatment completed in one visit. You should feel no pain. If you ignore dental fillings, your cavity will only get worse.

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