All You Need to Know About Fertility Evaluation

If you are experiencing difficulty conceiving, seeing a South Charleston fertility evaluation specialist is vital. Fertility evaluation refers to a series of tests that you can do to determine if a woman is producing eggs capable of being fertilized. It would also show the quality and quantity of said eggs. This is a very delicate issue for women because it could affect their chances of getting pregnant in the future.

When Should You Have It?

If you have been having unprotected intercourse for six months without conceiving, it is time to talk with your doctor about a fertility evaluation. Additionally, any woman over 35 should consider having a fertility evaluation, regardless of how long they have been trying to conceive. At this age, a woman’s fertility begins to decline.

It is recommended that you have a fertility evaluation if you have been trying to conceive but have not been successful after one year of unprotected intercourse. Some women may want to try and get pregnant on their own before seeing a fertility specialist, but the earlier you see a fertility specialist, the better.

What Does It Involve?


It is a standard procedure used as part of a fertility evaluation. A tiny camera is inserted through a small incision in the lower abdomen to view the reproductive organs. This allows the doctor to see if any abnormalities may be causing infertility.

Hysterosalpingogram (HSG)

This is a test used to view the inside of the uterus and fallopian tubes. A special dye is injected into the uterus, and x-rays are taken. This will help show if there is any blockage in the tubes that may prevent eggs from reaching the uterus.


This test allows the doctor to take a closer look at the uterus and ovaries. A small wand with a camera on one end is inserted into the vagina and placed inside the uterus to produce images of these organs. This test will help your doctor see any problems with egg development, growth, or implantation that may be causing infertility.

How Is It Done?

The fertility evaluation process can vary depending on your needs. Typically, your doctor will start by ordering a series of blood tests. This will help determine how well your ovaries are working and whether you are producing the correct levels of hormones. If the blood tests show that everything is normal, your doctor may order an ultrasound. This test can help to identify any abnormalities with your reproductive organs.

If the results of the blood tests or ultrasound are abnormal, you may need to see a specialist. You may also need to have additional tests done depending on the findings. For example, if you have lower hormone production levels, your doctor might recommend an HCG injection. During this test, the patient injects herself with a hormone that will help to stimulate the ovaries.

To summarize, fertility evaluation refers to a series of tests that you can do to determine if a woman is producing eggs capable of being fertilized. It involves many different tests, including laparoscopy, hysteroscopy, and HSG. You may need it if you have been trying to conceive for more than a year without success. The fertility evaluation process may vary depending on your needs.

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