The Ultimate Guide to Spinal Cord Stimulation

New treatments are being developed for conditions that have traditionally been difficult to manage. One such treatment is spinal cord stimulation. This treatment involves using a device that sends an electrical current to the spinal cord to block pain signals from reaching the brain. This can be an effective way to manage chronic pain, and many people find that it significantly reduces their pain levels. There are a few different spinal cord stimulation devices available, so you may want to talk to a specialist in spinal cord stimulation in Eugene before undergoing this treatment.

Who is a Candidate?

Spinal cord stimulation is most commonly used to treat chronic pain in the lower back, neck, legs, or arms. It can be particularly effective for those who have not had success with other methods of managing their chronic pain. Those looking to undergo this treatment should be experiencing at least some level of pain every day, and they should have tried other traditional therapies first.

You may not qualify for spinal cord stimulation if you have a pacemaker, are pregnant, or are allergic to metal. You should also be aware that spinal cord stimulation may not be effective for everyone, and it can sometimes cause side effects such as pain, tingling, or nausea.

What to Expect

The device itself is usually implanted during a short surgery. The actual spinal cord stimulator device is placed under the skin, and wires connect it to the nerve roots in your lower back. A second surgery may be necessary if doctors want to program the device or adjust its settings. You can expect to get a trial stimulator that is not permanently attached to your body for about a month, after which you will have the device implanted.

How Does It Work?

The spinal cord stimulator sends electrical impulses to the spinal cord to mask pain signals sent from different body areas. This treatment can effectively manage pain from a wide variety of conditions, including chronic back pain, sciatica, and chronic pain following surgery.

The stimulator does not work for everyone. It is vital to discuss spinal cord stimulation with a specialist to see if it is the proper treatment.

How Long Does It Take to Recover?

There is usually a short recovery period after spinal cord stimulation surgery. Most people can return to their normal activities within a few weeks. There may be some pain and discomfort following the surgery, but this should subside over time.

Side effects are rare but can include pain, tingling, or nausea. If you do experience any side effects, you should talk to your specialist about adjusting the settings on your stimulator.

In summary, spinal cord stimulation is a treatment for chronic pain that involves using a device that sends electrical current to the spinal cord to block pain signals from reaching the brain. You may need it to treat chronic pain in the lower back, neck, legs, or arms that have failed to respond to other treatments. The device is implanted during surgery. It sends electrical impulses to the spinal cord to mask pain signals. You need a few weeks to recover from the surgery.

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