Tips To Increase the Chances of Conception

Tips To Increase the Chances of Conception

When women decide they want to start a family, they anticipate getting pregnant within the first cycle. You may not get pregnant immediately when you try; you should not worry about delayed conception unless you have been trying for more than a year. Most women have a 20% chance of conception within a year, and you should incorporate lifestyle changes to increase the chances. You can incorporate infertility home remedies and seek medical care to increase the chances of conception. However, you should reach out to Houston Infertility experts if you don’t fall pregnant after an extended period. You can try these conception tips before seeking fertility treatments.

Know Your Cycle

Having the correct information about your menstruation cycle might be the first step to getting pregnant, as it helps you know when you are most fertile. Thus, you would engage in sexual activity when fertile to increase the chances of getting pregnant. Thus, you can quickly identify the ovulation symptoms like cervical mucus appearance. If you cannot predict your fertility, you can use different prediction kits which determine the best time to get pregnant. The predictors are accurate and will increase the sexual activities around the fertility window.

All Positions Work Well

Some people worry about the sex positions; however, the position has little impact on the ability to get pregnant. The mid-wives myth might prevent you from engaging in different styles, but these myths might not be true. However, gravity-defying positions might impact the sperms’ ability to travel upstream. Thus, you can stay in bed for a while to increase getting pregnant.

Increase the Chances of Conception during the Ovulation Period

Being intimate every day during your ovulation increases the chances of conception, but you should not overdo it. The sperm will stay alive for about five days; thus, increased intimacy increases the chances of conception. Moreover, your partner should avoid wearing tight-fitting clothing as the clothes might impact the sperm count. Moreover, your partner should avoid storing their phone in the pocket and avoid extended time in the Jacuzzi.

Avoid Stress

Stress interferes with ovulation, and you would produce viable eggs when you are in a good mental state. Thus, you should not stress because you cannot get pregnant within a given window; it is better to avoid other people’s opinions when starting a family. You can practice meditation, yoga, acupuncture, and other relaxation techniques.

Live A Healthy Life

A healthy life will increase the chances of falling pregnant; a healthy life ensures you are at an ideal weight. Thus, you can incorporate exercises that reduce fat build-up and produce lean muscles; however, too many exercises might cause you not to ovulate. Moreover, eating healthily promotes the production of high-quality eggs and facilitates conception and egg implantation.

Some people might get pregnant straight away after their first trial, but some would take time before getting pregnant. A gynecologist can diagnose and treat infertility issues, but you should try some home remedies first. For instance, you should get intimate within the oscillation period to increase the chances of ovulation, live a healthy life, and take fertility supplements. Good luck trying to get pregnant.

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