An Inside Look into Physical Examination

A physical examination of an annual wellness check is a routine test that your primary care provider performs to evaluate your general health and assess your risk for various health problems, including cancer, osteoporosis, and diabetes. Most people only visit their healthcare providers when sick, however, physical exams Greensboro focuses on preventive care, so it is essential for everyone regardless of health status.

What is the purpose of a physical exam?

A physical examination allows your healthcare provider to determine your general health status. It also allows you to inform your doctor about any ongoing symptoms you may be experiencing and other health problems you may have. Specialists recommend having a physical exam at least once each year, especially for people above 50 years who are at risk of age-related medical problems.

The doctor can identify disease early during a physical exam when it is easier to treat. For example, medical problems such as cancer are often asymptomatic in the early stages, so regular screening can help save your life. Physical exams also allow your healthcare provider to identify issues that could be a concern in the future, update any necessary immunization, and help you live a healthy life. Seeing your doctor regularly also allows you to build a relationship with your primary care provider.

Preparing for a physical exam

Most of the time, people visit their primary care providers for physical examinations. Your primary care provider could be a doctor, a physician assistant, or a nurse practitioner. It is essential that you adequately prepare to get the most out of your time with your healthcare provider. Below is a list of all the paperwork you should carry for a physical exam.

  • A record of all your current medications, including over-the-counter and prescription drugs. Including any supplements, you may be taking.
  • Write down all the symptoms you may be experiencing such pain.
  • Medical and surgical history
  • Results from any relevant and recent tests
  • Contact information of specialists and other doctors you may have seen.
  • Any health-related questions you may have.

What happens during a physical exam?

A physical exam often begins with you, in your own words, telling your doctor how you are feeling and any bothering symptoms you may be having. You want to be as open as you can and understand everything you say works for you and not against you. Expect to answer several questions from your provider about your lifestyle, including if you smoke, drink alcohol, or exercise.

Your primary care provider will assess your body to check for any unusual marks or growths; you may sit or stand as this happens. Vital signs such as blood pressure and heart rate are essential to determine your general health status. Your provider will also take your weight and height measurements since they provide a baseline and a way to monitor your health. Depending on your age, you may need screening for various medical problems. For example, women above 35 years often require mammograms to screen for breast cancer, and a Pap smear test is essential for any woman above 21 years old.

Book a session with your healthcare provider at Triad Primary Care for a physical exam to know your general health status.

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