Can You Live a Normal Life With Peripheral Artery Disease?

You may be surprised to learn that it is possible to live normally with peripheral artery disease. Many people worldwide have this condition, and they still manage to go on living their lives to the fullest. Of course, peripheral artery disease Frisco can affect people in different ways. Therefore it is crucial to be aware that some aspects of your lifestyle may need to change depending on how severe the disease is.

Peripheral artery disease is a condition that affects the blood vessels in your legs and arms. It is caused by a build-up of fatty deposits in these vessels, making it harder for blood to pass through them. It causes them to narrow and restricts the flow. Eventually, they can get blocked, which can have serious implications, including foot ulcers and gangrene.

Below are some of the misconceptions you need to know:

Seniors only experience peripheral artery disease

With this misconception, you probably assume that peripheral artery disease only affects older people. However, this is not true as many young people suffer from it. Some of the most common causes of peripheral artery disease are related to lifestyle choices such as smoking, poor diet, and lack of exercise.

Peripheral artery disease can only be diagnosed through testing

Peripheral artery disease can only be diagnosed through testing such as an angiogram. However, there are many other symptoms that you may experience which indicate a problem with your circulatory system. Some of the most common are pain in the legs when walking, foot pain and numbness, and cold feet or toes.

If you experience these symptoms, it is important to see a doctor at Prime Heart and Vascular to get properly diagnosed and treated.

Peripheral artery disease means you have to give up physical activity

It is perhaps one of the biggest misconceptions about peripheral artery disease. While it is true that the disease can make physical activity more difficult, it does not mean that you have to give it up entirely. Maintaining a healthy level of exercise can help reduce your risk of developing peripheral artery disease and help manage it.

Peripheral artery disease only affects the lower legs

Peripheral artery disease often starts in the legs and hips and moves upwards. However, it is important to note that sometimes the disease can affect other body parts, such as the arms and neck. If you notice any pain or numbness in these areas, it could signify peripheral artery disease.

There is no treatment for peripheral artery disease

It is not true, as many treatments are available for peripheral artery disease. These include lifestyle changes, medications, surgery, and other procedures. The best course of treatment will depend on the severity of your condition and any other underlying health conditions that you may have.

If you or someone you know has peripheral artery disease, it is important to remember that there is no need to give up on life. With the right treatment and lifestyle changes, living a normal and healthy life is possible. Consult a specialist today to learn more about managing your condition and getting the best treatment possible.

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