All you need to know concerning non-surgical hair restoration

All you need to know concerning non-surgical hair restoration

Premature baldness or baldness can make you look older than your age. For this reason, people with bald heads usually try all means possible to help improve their outlook and raise their confidence and self-esteem. Most of them will either always wear caps on their heads to deal with esteem issues. Normally, various hair restoration methods are available, including non-surgical hair restoration methods. Therefore, if you are bald or experiencing hair loss due to chemotherapy and looking for a solution to your problem, non-surgical hair restoration Austin specialists use noninvasive measures to solve your concerns. Usually, they offer non-surgical hair restoration treatments to help treat thinning hair, hair loss, and baldness. Below is all you need to know concerning non-surgical hair restoration.

What is non-surgical hair restoration?

It is a hair restoration treatment that involves either oral solutions or clinical grade topical to stimulate your natural hair growth. Examples of commonly used non-surgical treatments include:

  •         Finasteride

Finasteride is an oral solution that inhibits dihydrotestosterone and is commonly used in men with pattern hair loss. The function of dihydrotestosterone is to weaken and shrink hair follicles when its levels are very high, which thins your hair. Taking finasteride every day lowers your scalp and serum dihydrotestosterone by up to sixty percent, which helps restore healthier hair follicles.

  •         Minoxidil

It is a treatment option given whose purpose is to promote natural hair growth by lengthening the duration during which your hair remains in the anagen phase. The anagen phase is the active growth cycle stage essential in strengthening and elongating your hair. It also enlarges miniaturized follicles if you have thick hair.

When will you have the results with non-surgical restoration?

Your non-surgical hair restoration treatment results appear depending on your treatment plan because you can either use oral solutions, topical, or both. How fast your hair grows is also a determining factor. However, you should start seeing some improvements after a month and keep getting better month after month. But you can begin noting significant results after about six to twelve months. Your health care provider recommends you adhere to your non-surgical hair restoration plan to ensure your hair keeps growing and feeling even after you have attained your desired outcome.

Is hair growth from non-surgical hair restoration permanent?

The answer is yes and no because non-surgical hair restoration stimulates your natural hair to grow. But it does not prevent you from getting old. Therefore, as you advance in age and you are prone to hair loss due to genetics, hair thinning will continue, among other hair loss issues. In most cases, after attaining your desired results, your care provider usually advises you to continue taking your medications to prevent hair loss. You do not continue taking the medications as prescribed; you should take them occasionally. The specialist will inform you if it is necessary to keep taking them after your results or not.

Hair loss affects not only your physical appearance but also your self-esteem. Therefore, if you or your loved one has hair loss issues and is interested in using non-surgical treatment options, you can get started by booking your appointment at Texas Hair Restoration today.

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