How To Eliminate Skin Rash

How To Eliminate Skin Rash

A rash may seem like a mild health condition, and you may decide to ignore it or use over-the-counter creams without consulting your provider. These creams may worsen the rash or even cause more complications such as blisters, further damaging your skin. The Elite Dermatology team offers Vintage Park rash remedies to treat the underlying cause while relieving your symptoms.

What is a rash?

A rash refers to an abnormal change in skin texture and color due to skin irritation or inflammation. Rashes are mostly a symptom of an underlying disorder, making it crucial to seek medical attention in cases of severe rashes. Rashes may result from genetics and allergic reactions to specific substances such as chemicals.

Your rashes may be in the form of bumps or red patches, sores, or pimples. Some rashes may develop on your face, while others may flare up on your torso, legs, and arms, depending on the cause. Some rash outbreaks may be harmless and disappear with homemade remedies, while others may be more severe, causing significant damage to your skin appearance.

What are the different forms of rashes?

The Elite Dermatology specialists address several types of rashes, including:

  •                     Psoriasis

Psoriasis refers to a skin disease that results in red, scaly, itchy patches on your scalp, elbows, knees, and trunk. This skin disease occurs in cycles of flaring for a while and receding.

  •                     Contact dermatitis

Contact dermatitis is the skin inflammation or irritation due to an allergic reaction, causing painful red rashes. Some of the substances that may contribute to contact dermatitis include makeup, poison ivy, and specific types of soaps.

  •                     Lichen planus

Lichen planus is a skin disorder that results in irritation ad swelling of the skin in your mucous membranes, hair, and nails. This rash may manifest in purplish flat bumps that develop gradually.

  •                     Ringworm

Ringworm is a skin infection that can appear anywhere on your body, including fingernails and toenails.

When should you inform your doctor about your rash?

A rash may signify a serious underlying health condition, making it essential to monitor your inflammation for any additional symptoms. If your rash spreads within a short time, you may need immediate medical care. If you also notice an infection around your rash, it would help if you inform your doctor. You may need to look out for other signs like fever, blistering, and a sudden or painful rash.

How can you treat a rash?

If you have a mild rash, you can take care of it at home with over-the-counter medicines such as Tylenol and ibuprofen. Consult your doctor before consuming these drugs to avoid aggravating your health condition. If your rash is severe, the specialists at Elite Dermatology may treat it with phototherapy, cortisone cream, or antihistamine. They may also recommend moisturizing, hypoallergenic products, and limiting stress to reduce your symptoms. Follow your doctor’s recommendations and inform them if the rash worsens or you suspect an underlying disease.

Call Elite Dermatology office or book your spot online for comprehensive medical care if you are concerned about your rash.

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