Complex regional pain syndrome and what it entails

Complex regional pain syndrome and what it entails

It is common to experience pain regularly and does not seem to go away. Some chronic pain problems come after an injury, accident, or illness, while others result from unknown causes. An example of such a chronic pain condition is Dallas CRPS. This condition and all it’s all about is discussed below in detail.

What is a complex regional pain syndrome

CRPS is an example of regular pain that occurs on your leg or arm. This illness typically happens after surgery, an injury, a heart attack, or a stroke. This pain is usually too extreme compared to the injury’s severity.

This condition is rare and is not well looked into. Early treatment is preferable, with remission or improvement being possible.

Signs and Symptoms

Some of the common ones include:

  •         Sensitivity to cold or touch
  •         Continuous pain or burning in your leg, arm, foot, or hand
  •         Cold and sweaty alternating changes in the temperature of your skin
  •         Swelling of the painful site
  •         Skin texture may become thin, tender, or shiny in the affected area
  •         Skin color changes like red, blue, or white, and botchy
  •         Joint swelling, stiffness, and damage
  •         Nail growth and hair changes
  •         Reduced ability to move the body part affected

Symptoms vary from person to person and may change over time. Swelling, pain, redness, hypersensitivity, and temperature changes usually happen first.

The affected limb may become pale and cold over time. Nail and skin changes may occur, as also muscle tightening and spasms. Once these symptoms occur, the illness is irreversible.

CRPS may spread from where it began to other body parts like the other limb.

Most people’s CRPS signs and symptoms disappear on their own. Others may have persistent symptoms for years. Effective treatment is one started early during the illness.


The primary reason behind CRPS is not well-defined. Abnormality or harm to the central and peripheral nervous systems may cause it. Injury or trauma is usually associated with the disease.

CRPS is divided into two with the same symptoms but different causes, including:

  •         Type 1 happens after an injury or illness that did not directly harm the affected limbs’ nerves. It is the most widespread and is referred to as reflex sympathetic dystrophy
  •         Type 2 – This one occurs after a specific nerve injury and is also called causalgia

A fracture, crushing injury, or forceful trauma to a leg or arm causes CRPS. Other minor causes include heart attacks, surgery, sprained ankles, and infections.

Not all people with these injuries get CRPS; thus, the condition might be due to a dysfunctional relationship between peripheral and central nervous systems and unintended inflammatory responses.

Diagnosis involves your medical history and a physical exam.

Treatment may involve:

  •         Medications like pain relievers, sympathetic nerve-blocking drugs, and corticosteroids
  •         Therapies like topical analgesics, heat therapy, mirror therapy, physical or occupational therapy, biofeedback, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, intrathecal drug pumps, spinal cord stimulation, and acupuncture

This type of condition with no known cure is usually managed to minimize the symptoms and improve the quality of life. For any CRPS inquiries, check us out online, or call our offices in Dallas, TX.

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