Tips to Increase the Longevity of Your Dental Implants

Tips to Increase the Longevity of Your Dental Implants

Dental implants are one of the best cosmetic treatments to fix the situation when a person’s tooth gets damaged due to some infection, illness, or simply poor oral hygiene. The implant is a metal screw placed in your jawbone over which a dental crown is placed. This dental crown is designed to look and function just like natural teeth. 

If you have had dental implants done, your duties towards oral hygiene do not end. In fact, it starts from this point. Dental implants, just like real teeth, require care. Your denturist in Surrey can give you post-operative care instructions that you must follow religiously. 

Tips to increase the longevity of your dental implants 

  • Maintain consistent oral hygiene. 

Dental implants are identical to natural teeth in various aspects. Therefore, they are susceptible to damage to many similar things. The health and longevity of your implants depend greatly on how well you take care of them at home. 

You should properly brush your teeth twice a day and floss as frequently as you can. Your mouth and implants should remain bacteria-free in order to prevent germs that can cause gum disease. Your dentist will provide additional instructions after the procedure. 

  • Routine dental visits. 

Just because you have successfully had dental implant surgery does not mean that you do not need to visit the dentist anymore. A dentist plays an important role in keeping your oral health good. 

They can examine your implants and the surrounding areas for any dangerous warning signs of diseases. Going to the dentist once in six months can protect you from almost all kinds of dental problems. 

  • Choose the right implant dentist. 

One factor contributing to dental implants’ longevity is choosing the right dentist to perform the surgery. A doctor in Coconut Creek with lots of experience in the placement of implants can do a better job compared to someone who is just starting their career. Moreover, they are more likely to be equipped with the latest tools and technology. 

  • Choose a healthy lifestyle. 

Many people think they do not need to take care of their implants since they are not real teeth. However, that is not true at all. Choosing a healthy lifestyle goes hand in hand with the health of your implants. Include healthy and nutritious food in your diet, and try to quit smoking if you are a smoker. If you have the habit of grinding your teeth while sleeping, seek treatment to avoid damaging your implants. 

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