Benefits of Microneedling and PRP Therapy

Benefits of Microneedling and PRP Therapy

There are various ways to take care of your skin, including skincare routines and nutritious foods. While you may enjoy the benefits of good-looking and healthy skin, it’s hard to avoid the effects of aging in your skin. Dealing with these aging signs may be challenging, including interfering with your confidence and affecting your quality of living. But the good thing is with PRP Therapy & Microneedling Woodbury specialist; you can put all that behind you. Keep reading to learn how these techniques promote your skin appearance.

What are PRP Therapy and microneedling?

These treatments are critical in repairing your skin and enhancing a healthy and glowing skin appearance.

Microneedling works by stimulating collagen production, responsible for skin firmness and elasticity. It promotes your skin appearance.

Microneedling treatment involves your provider using a gadget that makes tiny holes on your skin surface. The result makes the body enhance its healing mechanism by producing collagen. It promotes skin rejuvenation creating a refreshed look with a reduced appearance of wrinkles and lines.

At COSMEDOCTOR, they use The Scarlet for microneedling. The Scarlet is among the latest microneedling techniques that uses radiofrequency. It activates collagen production, promoting skin toning and tightening most comfortably.

The advanced technology has no downtime allowing you to resume your daily activities. It provides excellent results that become better with time, with minimal pain.

PRP therapy involves using your blood for manufacturing platelet-rich plasma, which has growth factors that promote healing. Your provider injects PRP into your skin to repair and heal damaged tissues.

What are the common characteristics of PRP therapy and microneedling?

These treatments work best when combined, not when used separately or alone. Your provider at COSMEDOCTOR uses them together to help you achieve your best results.

What skin conditions can you address using PRP therapy and microneedling?

You can eliminate various skin concerns using PRP therapy and microneedling, including aging signs. Here are some of the benefits of these treatments;

  •         Minimizes the appearance of acne scars
  •         Enhances an even skin tone
  •         Treats skin damage, including sunspots
  •         Eliminates fine lines and wrinkles
  •         Reduces the appearance of stretch marks

Do PRP therapy and microneedling have side effects?

The treatments are reasonably comfortable and less painful. They are minimally invasive procedures hence providing a low risk of side effects.

Usually, you may experience redness, warm skin, or increased sensitivity in the treatment area. However, the effects disappear quickly.

How long does it take to recover from PRP therapy and microneedling?

The recovery is relatively shorter compared to other cosmetic procedures. Usually, you can resume your work, among other activities, after your treatment.

You must stay away from makeup for about a day after your treatment and avoid sun exposure. The results are visible after treatment and become better with time.

If you are not content with your skin appearance, you must find a treatment that works for you and restore your confidence. PRP Therapy and microneedling provide excellent results by correcting various skin conditions, such as aging signs. Call COSMEDOCTOR today to schedule your consultation.

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