Caring for your Sexual and Reproductive Health

As a woman, taking care of your sexual and reproductive health is vital. You may be at risk of developing conditions like breast and uterine cancers or vaginitis. Suppose you want to clear your doubts on this. There is an Upper West Side gynecologist who specializes in offering the best care services to prevent and protect you from developing chronic conditions. The gynecologist can offer various gynecological care services to women and girls.

What is gynecological care?

It involves giving reproductive health services, including vaginal infection treatments, pap tests, and cancer screenings. Your gynecologist is responsible for diagnosing and treating many disorders in your reproductive system, such as cysts and endometriosis. Gynecology care aims to detect potential medical issues early and give you the proper treatment.

What are the available gynecological care services?

There are several gynecological services your gynecologist can offer, and they may include:

  • Pap tests

Your doctor can carry out this test to check for cervical cancer. It involves the collection of a sample of cervical cells and observing them to detect any abnormal cells that may indicate cancer. Your doctor may combine a Pap smear with HPV testing during regular exams. You may be a candidate for a Pap test if you are 21 and your doctor recommends it. You may also need frequent tests if you have certain risk factors like smoking history, HIV infection, or a diagnosis showing precancerous cells.

  • Pelvic exam

During this exam, your doctor evaluates your reproductive organs, including your cervix, vagina, ovaries, and pelvis, for any unusual pain or discharge. You may require testing to check for any possible signs of medical conditions such as fibroids and cysts, mainly during pregnancy. Your doctor may perform this test alongside a Pap test.

  • Menopause

Menopause is a time in a woman’s life when she can no longer undergo menstrual cycles. Your doctor can diagnose menopause if you have gone 12 months without having any menstrual period. This condition may come with uncomfortable signs and symptoms, including sleeping problems, chills, night sweating, and mood changes. Your gynecologist can recommend effective treatment options to help relieve your symptoms. Treatment may include hormone therapy to reduce hot flashes you may experience during menopause.

  • Well-woman exams

This exam focuses on your reproductive health and is essential in catching early signs of health issues that may develop into complications in the future. The test will include pelvic and breast exams and a Pap test. Your gynecologist will perform a physical exam to check your weight, pulse rates, and blood pressure. Afterward, your doctor can perform the three usual tests to help keep you comfortable throughout the process. You can ask questions during the exam if you have any health concerns. During your routine exam, your doctor will review your medical and family history and ask questions about your physical, sexual, and reproductive health. Your doctor may then devise a treatment plan in case of any issues.

If you have any concerns about your reproductive health, call Karen F Brodman, MD, PLLC, or request an online appointment.

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