A Guide to Keeping Your Family Safe from Ticks

A Guide to Keeping Your Family Safe from Ticks


Ticks are small, but they can cause big problems if your family isn’t properly protected from them. While most people associate ticks with diseases like Lyme disease or Rocky Mountain spotted fever, they can also transmit other illnesses, including lesser-known ailments such as tularemia and Q fever. Living in an area with ticks makes tick control and recognizing tick-related illnesses important for you and your family. This guide will help you protect your family from ticks and the diseases they carry.

How to Avoid Tick Bites?

Being outside during tick season requires a little more caution. To avoid tick bites, try staying out of grassy or wooded areas and keeping your dogs on a leash. You should also check your clothes and skin for ticks after spending time in these areas. If you do find a tick, be sure not to panic—you’ll need the proper removal tools for the most effective extraction without causing any damage to yourself or the critter.

Tips on keeping ticks out of your yard

  1. Remove leaf litter and brush piles that could provide ticks with a place to live or hide. 
  2. Keep grass cut short and low-growing plants in your yard trimmed back so that ticks are less likely to jump on you while you’re in the garden or out walking the dog.
  3. If you have a pet, make sure it’s treated with Frontline (or another tick preventive) each month and that its collar is checked for ticks after any outside activity—this can help keep ticks out of your home, too!
  4. Use an insect repellent containing DEET if you know there’s a risk of encountering ticks outdoors.
  5. Finally, if you find a tick attached to your body, remove it as quickly as possible using good old tweezers.


In conclusion, ticks are a public health concern. They can carry and transmit many diseases, such as Lyme Disease and Powassan Virus. It is important that the people in your life know how to prevent tick bites and recognize them if they happen. If you suspect that you or someone else has been bitten by a tick, see a doctor right away. Do not wait for symptoms to appear. I hope this guide helped you learn more about ticks and their effects on human beings. Remember, never take risks with these dangerous bugs; do everything in your power to keep them at bay!

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