How Do Chemical Peels Treat Acne Scars?

How Do Chemical Peels Treat Acne Scars?

After you develop an acne breakout, your skin may show evidence of acne scars that may be permanent. The marks may make you self-conscious about your skin and drastically lower your confidence. Coral Gables dermatology has a procedure known as chemical peels that can help reduce these marks, so your skin can have less evidence of acne. Chemical peels use a chemical solution to peek away the affected skin and allow new skin development with fewer scars and marks.

How Do You Prepare for A Chemical Peel?

After choosing your doctor for the chemical peels procedure, they may recommend instructions you follow before treatment. Your doctor will begin with a review of your medical history, including your past and present medical state. You can inform your doctor about your current medications and recent cosmetic procedures. Your doctor will then perform a physical exam to check the skin on the site of your acne. Observing your skin will help your doctor determine the suitable type of chemical peel you will need.

What Happens During Treatment?

Before treatment, your doctor cleans your face and covers your eyes, plus your hair, to protect them. During a light chemical peel, your doctor will apply a solution that contains salicylic acid to your skin using a brush. Your skin will then start whitening, and you will likely feel a stinging sensation. Your doctor will then use a wash to rinse out the acid from your skin. Your doctor may administer a sedative for a medium chemical peel and then apply a trichloroacetic acid solution using a cotton-tipped applicator. Next, your doctor may soothe your skin with cool compressions on your treatment area. You will not need a wash during a light chemical peel. Treatment with deep chemical peel may be different because your doctor will give you IV fluids and then keep a close eye on your heart rate. You may also receive anesthesia to numb pain during the procedure. Your doctor will then apply phenol to your skin so it can start turning white. The procedure may happen in intervals because you need to have limited exposure to phenol as much as possible.

How Long Will Recovery Take?

You will likely develop side effects with every type of chemical peel procedure. Your skin may be swollen and red and experience dryness, burning, and itching sensations. Your doctor will prescribe OTC pain relievers to reduce discomfort and swelling. Your treated skin may begin to show results after two weeks but will continue to improve over time. For a deep chemical peel, the obtained results may last several months.

Begin your acne treatment journey today at Martha Viera Dermatology to get rid of acne scars with chemical peels and give your skin a new look. You can get several benefits with this treatment, which will also be a great way to care for your skin. Schedule a call to the facility today. You can also visit the website and book an online appointment.

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