Natural Remedies That Can Help Fight Kidney Stones

Natural Remedies That Can Help Fight Kidney Stones

Did you know that passing out kidney stones can be uncomfortable and painful? The answer is yes because as you pass out kidney stones, you experience a lot of pain and discomfort, especially if they are of big sizes. In this case, hydration is key in helping pass out kidney stones and also prevents new stones from forming. Therefore, taking plenty of fluids is one of the recommended remedies. Therefore, if you have Murray Hill kidney stones and are interested in learning various effective home remedies that can help you pass the kidney stones easily and reduce new ones from forming, read on to find some of the natural home remedies worth trying.

  •   Increasing citric acid intake

Generally, citric acid is an organic acid commonly found in many vegetables and fruits, especially citrus fruits. In most cases, limes and lemons are very rich in citric acid. Citric acid is an essential component that prevents calcium oxalate kidney stones in two ways. It binds with traces of calcium in urine, thus preventing the formation of new kidney stones. It also binds with calcium oxalate crystals that have already formed, preventing them from enlarging. As a result, you pass the crystals before they get bigger, forming large stones.

  •   Reduce foods high in oxalates

  Usually, oxalate or oxalic acid is an antinutrient commonly present in plant foods such as vegetables, leafy greens, cocoa, and fruits. The body also produces oxalic acid. A high intake of oxalic acid often increases the excretion of oxalate in urine which can cause problems for some people because it might form calcium oxalate crystals. In most cases, oxalate often binds to several minerals, including calcium, thus forming crystals that lead to stone formation. However, you are encouraged to consult your care provider before avoiding oxalate foods because they are also helpful to your body.

  •   Avoid high doses of vitamin C

According to research, vitamin C has been found to increase your risk of developing kidney stones. Therefore, high consumption of vitamin C supplements can increase the excretion of oxalate in urine. Similarly,  vitamin C can be converted into oxalate within your body. However, of importance to note is that vitamin C sources such as lemon are not found to increase your risk of having kidney stones.

  •   Avoid salt in food

A diet with high salt levels increases your risk of kidney stones. A high intake of sodium increases the excretion of calcium in urine, increasing your chances of developing kidney stones. One of the ways you can avoid taking foods with high sodium levels, a component of table salt, is by avoiding processed or packaged foods.

  •   Stay hydrated

Taking plenty of fluid is recommended when you have kidney stones to help increase the volume and dilute the stone-forming substances in the urine, thus reducing their chances of crystallizing. However, not all fluids have the same effect because others, like soda, increase your risk of kidney stone formation.

In most cases, if you have a kidney stone today, you will likely develop another one within five or ten years to come. Therefore, it is essential to apply some home remedies to prevent others from forming. You can consult a Urologist: Michael Rotman, Md, today concerning various natural remedies that can help with kidney stones.

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