Hiring an App Development Company vs. Freelancers

When it comes to developing an app, there are typically two paths you can take: hire an app development company or hire one or more freelancers to get the job done and bring your app to life. Each option has its own pros and cons, which can make the decision of which route to take a difficult one. In this article, we’ll explore the differences between app development companies and freelancers, so you can make an informed decision about which is the best option for you.

With the great blooming of the app industry, developing an app for your business is not a luxury but rather a necessity. Every business is now looking for ways to expand and reach more audiences in order to maximize profit and stand out in the market. Apps have secured a way of accomplishing that for businesses. This means that almost every business is shifting towards developing an app that can offer its products and services. However, one issue stood out. Developing an app is not an easy process to go through. It needs great knowledge and expertise to be executed correctly. Businesses are usually left with many options to choose from when developing an app. We are going to emphasize the two most common options.

App Development Companies

First off, we are going to talk about app development companies. App development companies are organizations that are typically composed of experienced professionals and teams that are knowledgeable in the latest app development technologies and tools. They are usually well-versed in the entire app development process and can handle the entire project in terms of everything.

Types of App Development Companies

App development companies come in all shapes and sizes. Whether you choose a local company or just go overseas. From agencies that specialize in more complex apps for large and medium-sized apps. Agencies mostly include more than one team and are able to develop apps for all platforms at the same time. On the other hand, boutique firms have a much smaller scope than app development companies. They typically have fewer teams, or sometimes only one, to work on the development process. Boutique firms are a great choice for projects with a specific goal or target audience.

Advantages of App Development Companies

Handling complex projects

With such vast knowledge, app development companies can easily handle complex projects. The presence of a large number of teams and developers also added to the ability to do so. Despite the degree of complexity, whether in the user interface or app functionality. For each and every stage of the app development process, a knowledgeable app developer would be working and delivering the best output.

Support and Maintenance

App development companies are invaluable resources in the process of building and maintaining an app. From post-development support to troubleshooting any issues that may arise, these companies can provide the necessary services to ensure that the app runs smoothly and meets the needs of users. In addition, they can also assist with future updates and modifications, allowing you to stay ahead of the competition and keep your app up-to-date. By investing in the services that these app development companies offer, you can get the most out of your app and ensure that it provides the best possible user experience.


Because of their familiarity and many years of expertise in the field of development. App development companies’ greatest advantage is reliability. They are considered reliable and trustworthy as they know exactly what the customer would need in most fields and how to accomplish that. They are also reliable because of their proven track record of successful previous apps and projects. As well as feedback they may present from these projects.

Disadvantages of App Development Companies

High Cost

One of the biggest drawbacks of using an app development company is the cost. Professional app development companies typically charge a substantial fee for their services. This can be prohibitively expensive for many individuals and businesses. Additionally, the cost of an app development project can vary greatly depending on the complexity of the app and the features it requires.

Limited Control

Another drawback of using an app development company is the limited control it gives you over the design and functionality of your app. App development companies usually have their own processes and tools for creating apps, which can make it difficult to customize your app to fit your unique needs. Additionally, it can be difficult to communicate exact specifications to the developers, as they may not have a deep understanding of your business objectives or desired features.

Longer Development Times

Finally, using an app development company can mean longer development times. Professional app developers are often juggling multiple projects at once, so your app project may not be their top priority. This can result in significantly longer development times than if you were to build the app yourself or with the help of a freelancer.


Hiring freelancers is the second most common option to develop apps. Hiring freelancers has become an increasingly popular trend in the world of business. With the power of the internet, companies can now access a global talent pool of potential employees. It is the act of complete self-employment in the field of expertise or interest. It contains only one person who is expert enough to do the whole process and provide services to the business or organization. Freelancers can go as far as the other side of the world. The communication between the organization and the freelancer is usually done remotely, which is one of the reasons why many businesses prefer this method. Freelancing also has some pros and cons that we are going to demonstrate

Advantages of Hiring Freelancers


One of the biggest advantages of hiring freelancers for app development is cost savings. Freelancers typically charge less than larger development companies or full-time employees. This allows businesses to get their apps developed without spending much money. Companies don’t have to pay for benefits, office space, or any of the other costs that come with formal employment, or pay large teams that get hired from app development firms. This can be a great way to keep overhead costs low and help businesses, especially small businesses, and start-ups, save money.


Freelancers offer flexibility in a number of ways. You can hire a freelancer for short-term projects or for specific tasks. This allows you to improve the quality of your app without having to commit to a long-term contract. You also have the option to interfere with the process and express your opinion on whatever element you’d like, which is usually tough with a team or an app development company. This way, you have a window to customize your app the way you want.


Freelancers typically specialize in specific areas of app development. This allows you to quickly find a freelancer who has the skills and experience you need. For instance, if you’d like to develop an e-commerce app, you’d easily find a freelance app developer specializing only in e-commerce apps. This streamlines the process of development and saves you, as a business owner, time and effort.

Remote Working

Hiring freelancers from around the world also makes it possible to work remotely. With today’s technology, it’s easy to stay in contact with freelancers from any location. This can benefit you greatly in terms of costs, as the pricing of freelancers varies from one country to another, giving you a wide array to choose from and compare prices and experiences. Also, hiring from different locations gives you the option to discover new markets that might accept and welcome your products and services.

Disadvantages of Hiring Freelancers


When you work with freelancers, you have to trust them with sensitive information about your business. This can be a risk, as there is always the possibility that the freelancer could use this information for their own benefit or share it with other competitors.


It’s important to remember that they may not be able to provide long-term support and maintenance for your app as you did with an app development company. Freelancers typically work on a project-by-project basis; they may not have the resources to provide ongoing maintenance and troubleshooting. That is why, upon hiring freelancers, you have to plan the post-development process for your app in terms of support and maintenance.

Lack of resources

Freelancers are self-employed, which means they usually work alone. This is why they may fall behind regarding resources and tools. Finding a freelancer with up-to-date tools and resources if your app needs an app with a complex interface and functions can be tough, if not impossible. So, make sure to demonstrate your app’s needs and degree of complexity before making a choice.


Lack of commitment is another potential downside of hiring freelancers that concerns many business owners. Freelancers typically work on multiple projects at once, and they may not be able to give your project the focus and attention it deserves. Additionally, if a freelancer is unable to complete the project, you may be left with an unfinished app and no one to turn to for help. This happens more often, especially when people hire freelancers from different countries.

In Summary

When deciding which type of app development company is the right fit for your project, it’s important to consider your app’s purpose, complexity, and budget. App development companies can be a great choice if you’re willing to go the extra mile in budget and app complexity. Freelancers can be a great choice for smaller projects, as they are typically less expensive and have more flexible schedules. No matter which type of app development company you choose, make sure you do your research to ensure they have the necessary experience and resources to deliver the results you need.

If the whole situation acts as a dilemma for you, why bother with choosing and not developing the app yourself? With the nandbox app builder, you can develop a fully-functional native app in whatever field you like. Not just that, you will accomplish this at the most affordable price ever and in a matter of minutes! It is beyond belief, I know. You can learn more about no-code development in this article.

nandbox is a leading no-code app builder that presents everything you would need for an app development process and more. With a collection of templates and a vast array of features, you won’t need to hire either agencies or freelancers. All you have to do is go to the app builder, choose the template you’d like from different categories, and drag and drop your features. Just like that. Don’t be bothered by options any longer, and try the nandbox app builder now!

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