Reasons To Consider Acupuncture

Few treatment options are as versatile and minimally invasive as acupuncture. As part of Chinese medicine, the procedure remains popular in the medical field due to its remarkable effects on stress management. You may benefit from New City, NY physical rehabilitation at Integrative Health of Rockland if you are battling chronic stress or migraines.

What you should know about acupuncture

Acupuncture originates from ancient Chinese medicine that people use to alleviate symptoms of several physical and mental health problems. Traditional Chinese medicine asserts that acupuncture balances the flow of life force or energy, known as qi. At Integrative Health Of Rockland, an acupuncture session involves inserting several hair-thin needles at specific depths and points into your skin. The practitioners believe that your life flow will rebalance by doing this procedure. In contrast, some western practitioners believe that acupuncture stimulates connective tissue, muscles, and nerves, while others believe that the approach boosts your body’s natural healing powers. At Integrated Health of Rockland, the team may apply an electric current to increase the effects of acupuncture.

Health benefits of acupuncture

Acupuncture does more than alleviate specific symptoms and medical conditions. The procedure has several benefits you may want to consider when developing your treatment plan. The Health benefits of acupuncture include the following:

  • Triggers natural painkillers

The fine needles your doctor inserts into your skin stimulate underlying tissue and nerves, triggering the release of endorphins. These euphoric chemicals result in the sense of satisfaction after completing an exercise.

  • Improves circulation

Improving blood circulation means reducing inflammation in your blood vessels and enhancing blood flow. This effect helps relieve pressure and pain in your tissues.

  • Relieves headache

You may benefit from acupuncture if you’re struggling with chronic headaches and migraines and don’t want prescription medications as part of your treatment plan. Several medical research groups have reported that the procedure reduces the severity and frequency of chronic headaches. It is also effective in treating tension headaches.

  • Minimizes your risk of neurological disorder symptoms

Neurological disorders like Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s can significantly affect your quality of life. Acupuncture is an alternative treatment option that treats these medical conditions by improving a patient’s motor function and language.

  • Reduces stress

Most people seek acupuncture treatments to obtain relief from stress. The procedure works by triggering your nervous system responses and restoring energy balance. Medical research shows that acupuncture reduces stress hormones and brightens your mood, reducing feelings of anxiety.

What acupuncture feels like

During your initial appointment, your provider discusses your medical condition and examines your body to identify areas that will react better to acupuncture. Your acupuncturist will then place needles at target points on your entire body at various depths. They then leave the needles in place for about 20 minutes. You may experience a small price with the insertion of each needle, but it is less painful than drawing blood or getting a vaccine. The needles may result in muscle sensations like tingling or a dull ache. If you experience numbness or a deep heaviness, the treatment is working.

Call the Integrative Health of Rockland to explore more about acupuncture, or book your spot online.

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