Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Ignore an Insect Bite or Sting

Instantaneous pain, swelling, and mild itching are usually the first reactions after an insect sting or bite. Homemade remedies such as aloe vera solutions or petroleum jelly ease the pain and may reduce the swelling over time. Some stings may feel like a pinch, meaning you’ll write them off. However, duluth stinging insect allergy specialists advise that even harmless bites should not be ignored. Insect stings may spur allergic reactions in your body. When does an insect sting transit from mildly annoying to a serious concern? Learn why you shouldn’t ignore insect bites and stings and which bites to avoid.

Insect stings can cause allergies

Stinging insect allergies occur when the insect’s venom aggravates your immune system. Some insects that can cause severe anaphylactic reactions after they sting you include honeybees, hornets, wasps, and fire ants. You can get stung when you disturb insects’ natural breeding grounds and homes. The severity of the allergies varies from person to person, with 90-100 deaths caused yearly by insect stings.

What are the symptoms of an insect allergy?

Allergic reactions are usually mild, with only superficial symptoms. However, the symptoms may be life-threatening. Anaphylaxis is a serious medical concern that may be fatal. The symptoms of a sting-induced allergy you need to watch out for are pain, hives, flushing, itching, nausea, diarrhea, and stomach cramps.

Anaphylaxis requires immediate medical attention as it impairs breathing or causes your body to go into shock. Some of the symptoms subside after a while without medical intervention. That does not mean that you won’t necessarily have an allergic reaction.

What to do after an insect stings?

Intuitively, you’ll want to apply antiserum for insect stings. This is not always the case. In case of a sting, remove the stinger from your skin and avoid aggravating the area. The best way to remove the stinger is by scrapping motion rather than pulling the stinger. Apply petroleum jelly to the stung area after cleaning it with soap or antiseptic. Identify the insect that stung you, as this will expedite treatment. Antihistamines and corticosteroids may lessen the comfort. Injectable epinephrine is available in drug stores to use after an insect bite or sting.

After the primary measures, booking yourself into a medical center for further testing and treatment is imperative.

Types of treatment to expect

Venom immunotherapy is the single best treatment for an insect sting allergy. Antihistamines and corticosteroids may be prescribed to ease the swelling and itching. Before treatment, the allergy specialist will perform a skin prick test or a blood test. An intradermal test may also be recommended to test if there’s an allergy extensively.

Venom immunotherapy gradually introduces tolerable levels of the insect’s venom to decrease your reaction to higher levels of the venom. Extensive testing is paramount to determine the best treatment method.

Avoid insect stings and bites

Stinging insects are more active during certain seasons of the year. Avoid foraying into the forest and picking up insects in late spring and early fall. Insecticides can help ward off insects. There are multiple repellants for common stinging insects, such as fire ants and wasps, that you can purchase at your local store.

It is clear insect stings, and bites are not typical swells and rashes to brush aside. Practicing preventive measures such as wearing gloves and closed shoes in the woods can help you avoid insect stings and the risk of an allergic reaction. However, seek the relevant medical attention if you get stung or bitten by an insect. Rapid treatment is essential for lessening symptoms’ severity and preventing life-threatening allergic reactions. Increasing your knowledge of the common types of insects that cause allergies and how to spot them can go a long way in maintaining good health.

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