8 Tips for a Speedier Recovery after a Bariatric Surgery

8 Tips for a Speedier Recovery after a Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric surgery can be life-changing for those struggling with obesity and related health issues. While it can lead to significant weight loss and improved health, the recovery process can be challenging. Luckily, with the help of Dr. Michael Sutker McKinney and by implementing the following strategies, you can speed up your recovery from bariatric surgery. They range from specific methods to fundamental routines.

  1.     Get plenty of rest

Rest is essential for recovery after any surgery. Your body needs time to heal, and bariatric surgery is no exception. Plan to take at least two weeks off work and other responsibilities to give your body time to recover. Get plenty of sleep and avoid overexerting yourself.

  1.     Stay hydrated

Drinking enough water is critical for recovery after bariatric surgery. It can help prevent dehydration and constipation, which are common side effects of the procedure. Aim to drink at least 64 ounces of water daily, and avoid drinks with caffeine, alcohol, and added sugars.

  1.     Follow a proper diet

After bariatric surgery, your stomach will be much smaller, and you will need to change your diet. You will likely need to start with a liquid diet and gradually progress to solid foods over several weeks. Stick to the dietary guidelines provided by your surgeon, including eating small, frequent meals, avoiding high-fat, high-sugar, and high-carb foods, and chewing your food well.

  1.     Stay active

Exercise is important for recovery after bariatric surgery. It can help reduce swelling, increase circulation, and promote healing. Your surgeon will provide specific guidelines for physical activity. Still, it would help if you aimed to start walking as soon as possible after the procedure and gradually increase your activity level as you feel able.

  1.     Manage pain

After bariatric surgery, you may experience pain, especially in the first few days. Your surgeon will provide pain medication, but you can also take over-the-counter pain relievers, such as acetaminophen, as directed. The use of ice packs may also assist decrease swelling and associated pain.

  1.     Take care of your incision

It would help if you kept your incision clean and dry to prevent infection. Your surgeon will provide specific instructions on caring for your incision, including when to remove the dressing and start showering. Carefully following these directions can help reduce the likelihood of difficulties.

  1.     Stay on top of follow-up appointments

Regular follow-up appointments with your surgeon are important for monitoring your progress and ensuring that everything is healing. It is essential to keep these appointments and inform your surgeon of any concerns or issues you may have. It can help prevent potential complications and ensure that you are on the right track for a full recovery.

  1.     Seek out support

Recovering from bariatric surgery can be a long and difficult journey, and it is important to have support throughout the process. Consider reaching out to a support group for people who have undergone bariatric surgery. These groups can provide valuable advice, support, and encouragement as you navigate recovery. You can also consider talking to friends, family members, or a therapist to help you through the ups and downs of recovery.

Recovering from bariatric surgery can be challenging, but you can speed up the process with the right steps. By following these tips, you can improve your recovery and return to your normal routine as soon as possible. Remember that every person’s recovery process is different, and it may take several weeks or months to recover fully.

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