Signs You Should Consider Visiting A Bariatric Surgeon

Signs You Should Consider Visiting A Bariatric Surgeon

Are you tired of trying out dietary and exercise plans that don’t yield positive results? You are not alone! While exercise and good dietary habits positively impact our health, they sometimes take longer to achieve the desired results. However, with transform bariatrics services, you can be sure to manage and attain a healthy weight within a short duration.  

Although there are nonsurgical procedures that are effective in weight loss, one of the quickest ways to cut the extra pounds is bariatric surgery. This procedure is safe and has proven results that can last longer. Let’s examine the leading signs you should consider visiting a bariatric surgeon.

1.     BMI of 40 or higher

Your body mass index (BMI) significantly affects your normal weight. This is the reason why your BMI is calculated numerous times. If it is 40 or more, it means you’re 100 pounds over your typical weight and are identified as obese. Your BMI should range between 18.5 and 24.9, depending on your height and body shape. Therefore, having a BMI of around 40 means, you’re at risk for severe health complications, and it might be the right time to try a new approach. It would help if you visited a bariatric surgeon to determine the appropriate option to shed your weight.

2.     Being overweight related to severe health problems

If your BMI is 35 or more and you have weight-related issues like hypertension, diabetes, sleep apnea, and cardiovascular diseases, you should talk to a bariatric specialist soon. Being overweight in conjunction with these health concerns puts you at greater risk of worsening symptoms or even death. However, bariatric surgery can help alleviate your situation.

3.     You’ve tried nonsurgical options that haven’t worked

Generally, anyone who is obese must have tried weight loss attempts that haven’t worked. If you have tried losing weight through other weight loss programs, including diet and exercise with no effort, bariatric surgery could be your ideal solution. The bariatric surgeon can tailor you with a customized approach to help you eliminate the extra weight.

4.     You’re ready for lifestyle changes

Regarding bariatric surgery, you should get ready to commit to making healthy changes. It would help to change your eating habits, including avoiding sugary foods, since they can alter your results after the weight loss surgery. Furthermore, you should incorporate healthy exercise habits and put away poor habits contributing to weight gain.

5.     You’re committed to long-term changes

While bariatric surgery will eventually give you the results you seek, it’s not a quick fix for losing weight. After your surgery, you cannot continue eating the same high-caloric sugary foods and expect long-lasting results. However, it would help if you committed to changing long-standing behaviors that can trigger weight gain. You should avoid processed and high-caloric foods and incorporate fresh fruits, vegetables, fish, lean meat, and poultry.

Reaching a point where you want to consider bariatric surgery means you’re ready for help. It’s no secret that independently navigating the weight-loss journey can be tedious and overwhelming. However, having a bariatric surgeon in your closet means you can easily achieve your goals. Numerous surgical and nonsurgical weight loss options are tailored to your personalized needs. Don’t allow obesity to steal your body shape and appearance; you can overcome it with bariatric services. 

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