Why do you need to visit the dentist regularly?

Even if at first glance you don’t have any pain, it doesn’t mean you don’t have dental problems. In order to detect possible oral diseases, you need to visit the dentist regularly. To do this, it is enough to make an appointment at any dental clinic. You should know that a good clinic will try to save your tooth, not remove it. Any dentist will tell you that for preventive purposes, you should periodically examine your teeth in the dental chair. 

Most people are not serious about caring for their teeth and oral cavity – and in vain, because the condition of our teeth reflects on the health of the entire body. If you neglect the prevention of dental and oral diseases, you can get serious diseases and lose your precious teeth.

The most important and necessary preventive procedure is regular brushing and flossing. This is necessary to remove food debris that remains in between the teeth and over time begins to decompose, contributing to the formation of harmful bacteria. The bacteria, in turn, contribute to the formation of plaque, leading to tartar and the destruction of tooth enamel.

However, you should know that brushing alone is not enough to maintain oral health. Various disorders of the general condition of the body and metabolism can contribute to the gradual destruction of teeth. We don’t notice tooth enamel decay until symptoms such as sensitivity to cold or hot foods appear. In its early stages, tooth decay is also impossible to detect on your own without specialized equipment. In order to detect possible problems in time and prevent the disease at the very beginning of its development, it is necessary to visit the dentist regularly. Book a dentist appointment is now very easy and does not require a long wait. It is enough to call a clinic or even make an appointment online.

How often should I visit the dentist?

The frequency of visits depends on the condition of your teeth. If there is nothing to worry about and there is no damage, you should be examined in the dentist’s chair at least twice a year. If you have any oral diseases, such as tooth decay, periodontitis or gingivitis, you should visit the dentist every two to three months.

At the preventive appointment, the doctor will examine your oral cavity and take x-rays. Based on the results of the examination, the doctor will make necessary recommendations for oral care and, if necessary, make a treatment plan. You may also be prescribed procedures that are carried out only with the use of special equipment and are aimed at strengthening tooth enamel.

Special attention to preventing cavities and other diseases should be paid to children, as their tooth enamel is weaker. Children should be examined by a dentist at least once every three months.

It should be noted that regular visits to the dentist are also beneficial! After all, disease prevention and treatment at an early stage is much cheaper than treating a neglected disease or pulling out a tooth and replacing it with an artificial one. Therefore, in order to save money and keep your teeth healthy, you should not postpone a visit to the dentist.

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