Who Can Benefit from Sedation Dentistry?

Who Can Benefit from Sedation Dentistry?

If you’ve ever been to the dentist, you know that it can be a stressful and anxious experience. However, these days there are many options available for people in need of assistance with dental care, and Winnipeg sedation dentistry is one of them. Sedation dentistry is being used more often these days, especially with the growing number of people suffering from anxiety or phobias. 

Some of the reasons why many people are choosing sedation dentistry are because they have anxiety about having needles poked into their teeth. Most of these fears are based on various negative emotions that we experience in our lives.

Let us now look at for whom sedation dentistry can be beneficial.

  • Those who have a fear of shots and needles

Sedation dentistry is now being used to treat the fear of needles and shots at the dentist. It is mostly referred to as needle phobia. With sedation dentistry, a person can take some time off from having dental appointments to build up their confidence gradually, reducing the fear of shots and needles. The patient is actually sedated during their treatment with the dentist and will not remember anything about it later on. 

  • People who have experienced past traumatic dental experiences

Many people are afraid to go to the dentist due to their past traumatic dental experiences. With sedation dentistry, patients can be given a sedative to reduce their fear and anxiety toward the dentist. It is also used for children, teens, and older adults suffering from anxiety or hypersensitivity.

  • Those who have a sensitive gag reflex

Sedation dentistry is used for people who have a sensitive gag reflex. Patients are given a sedative to reduce the gag reflex, and therefore, they can get dental treatments done without suffering from pain.

  • People who are anxious about different noises and smells involved in the treatment

Many people are afraid of dental equipment that is loud, such as drills and burs. These patients can be given sedation to reduce fear and anxiety. People with respiratory disorders or allergies to the smells of dental equipment are also given sedation to reduce anxiety and discomfort. Sedation dentistry is also used for children, teens, and older adults with phobias about visiting the dentist.

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