Spider Veins: Why They Appear and How Can You Can Get Rid Of Them

Spider Veins: Why They Appear and How Can You Can Get Rid Of Them

Spider and varicose veins are prevalent conditions where blood vessels beneath the skin look purple, blue, or red webs of clusters of thin, spidery lines. Although varicose and spider veins New York may appear harmless, you should not ignore them as they may indicate a potential vascular issue. Fortunately, your doctor can diagnose and treat your varicose veins and other underlying conditions.

Why do I have spider veins?

Your veins allow blood to flow freely throughout your body. The valves in your veins ensure that blood only flows in one direction, but if the valves become weak or stop working effectively, blood can circulate backward into your veins, causing spider veins.

Spider veins may appear as a result of the following factors:

Gender– Women are more likely than males to have spider veins. Spider veins are more common in pregnant women because more blood has to move through the body when carrying a baby, placing more strain on the veins.

Family history- Most people with spider veins also have other family members with the same condition, indicating that spider veins may result from family history.

Age- Spider veins become more common as women become older. Many women who are over 50 years old have spider vein conditions.

Level of activity– Jobs that need you to stand for extended amounts of time, such as serving tables or nursing, and those that need you to sit for long durations, might increase your risk of getting spider veins. In addition, staying in one posture for an extended period might cause the veins in your legs to constrict, weakening them over time.

Obesity–  Obese persons are more likely to have spider veins and other vein problems.

Treatment for spider veins

Spider veins cannot be removed using over-the-counter or prescription medicines, lotions, or gels. Spider veins may be reduced or removed using home or medical therapies.

Home remedies and treatments

Compression socks or stockings improve blood circulation in the legs. Regularly wearing them may assist in preventing the formation of new spider veins. A doctor may examine whether you require compression stockings to prescribe the optimum size and amount of pressure.

In addition, you can avoid spider veins by exercising and losing weight. Engaging your leg muscles helps to drive blood up through them, preventing pooling. Losing weight may also ease excess downward pressure in your legs, making blood flow up your veins more difficult.


Medical treatments

Laser treatment – Laser treatment is one of the popular methods of removing spider veins. These procedures use a surgical-grade laser to target and destroy your spider veins. Depending on the size of the spider veins, you may require more than one laser treatment session to get rid of their presence entirely.

Another treatment for spider vein removal is Sclerotherapy. In this treatment, the doctor injects a chemical in the spider vein that causes the vein’s sides to stick together, preventing blood flow. The injected vein slowly fades away as blood reroutes to healthy veins nearby.

If you don’t treat your varicose or spider veins, you risk complications like, your veins bleeding or skin tears. Therefore, you need to seek immediate treatment for your condition. Call Upper East Side Cardiology to schedule your appointment for spider vein treatment.

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