Liposuction; What to Expect

Liposuction; What to Expect

Did you know that it’s possible to achieve weight loss and still have unwanted fat? When your goal is to have a natural body contour, the unwanted fat in specific body parts can feel uncomfortable. But the good thing is you can remove the fat without affecting the other parts of the body. Are you wondering how to go about it? TheFort Worth Liposuction specialist Kiran Polavarapu, MD, is here to help. This article answers some of the questions you might be having about liposuction.

What is liposuction?

It is a minimally invasive technique that involves removing excess fat on particular parts of your body. However, you should not confuse liposuction with being a weight loss procedure. You must work on your weight loss first before going for liposuction.

Usually, diet and exercise are crucial to weight loss, but it might not be possible to lose unwanted fat. You are a good candidate for liposuction if you have an ideal weight but with fat bulges.

Working with a professional plastic surgeon is essential to prevent complications and enhance excellent results. The results might not be immediately visible, but you will notice them eventually after some weeks.

The procedure involves your provider placing an empty tool beneath your skin, known as a cannula. The device has a high-pressure vacuum joined to it that extracts the fat.

Polavarapu Plastic Surgery, PLLC uses advanced technology to perform various types of liposuction procedures, such as

  • Ultrasound-assisted lipoplasty

It involves ultrasonic waves through the cannula to break down the fat cells before drawing the fat away.

  • Tumescent technique

This type of liposuction involves using a saline solution with a local anesthetic and a drug that allows the contraction of the blood vessels, which reduces bleeding. Your provider administers the solution into the treatment area, causing the fat to swell and harden while causing numbness.

  • Super-wet technique

Like tumescent liposuction, your provider injects a solution to the treatment areas, only that in the super-wet technique, they use a smaller amount.

What body areas can you treat using liposuction?

You can use liposuction to treat areas with body fat and areas unresponsive to exercise and diet. Liposuction is ideal to use in the following areas.

  • Abdomen
  • Thighs
  • Upper arms
  • Hips
  • Upper knees
  • Buttocks
  • Neck
  • Cheeks
  • Chin

Usually, your procedure begins with an extensive exam that helps your provider analyze what type of liposuction will benefit you. To qualify for liposuction, it’s essential to be a non-smoker and have achievable goals.

What to expect after the liposuction procedure?

Your provider puts a drainage tube after the procedure to block fluid accumulation. They also recommend wearing a compression garment over the treated areas with liposuction for weeks.

Advanced liposuction offers a better and faster recovery experience. However, you may still encounter some swelling, pain, tingling sensation, and pain in the treated areas. Though most symptoms go away within three weeks, you may remain with some swelling for not less than six months.

If you have stubborn fat that you wish to eliminate, please reach out to Polavarapu Plastic Surgery today to schedule your consultation.

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