Why Would Your Doctor Recommend Bone Grafting?

Why Would Your Doctor Recommend Bone Grafting?

Your smile applies significantly to your appearance, but tooth loss may cause damages that make smiling impossible. Untreated teeth loss may result in deterioration and bone loss and may be why your doctor may recommend Katy bone grafting. Bone grafting involves procedures that improve the symptoms of bone loss, thus restoring your normal jawbone function. The procedure may seem exhausting, but you can be sure of a comfortable recovery and get your smile back.

For Missing Teeth

Your teeth are responsible for the thickness and natural height of your jawbones, but the bone may start deteriorating when you get a tooth removed. Every day, your teeth roots stimulate the alveolar bones to send information to your brain that your jaw needs particular resources. Your body responds by sending calcium and necessary nutrients to stimulate bone growth. Thus, when you have a missing tooth, this simulation will not occur, so your jawbone starts going away. The deterioration will continue to progress gradually and lead to tooth loss until you can seek treatment.

Periodontal Diseases

Periodontal diseases are infections affecting the gum tissue, affecting tooth-supporting bones and ligaments. You can develop the infection as bacteria stays on your teeth’ surface. Gingivitis usually precedes periodontics, but in the rare cases it does, it may cause bone and gum tissue deterioration. You can easily miss the symptoms of the infection because they are mainly painless and, left untreated, may lead to severe damage to your jaw’s stability.

Trauma and Injuries

You are likely to get involved in an accident that may knock out and break your teeth such that the surface below your gum line remains. Bone stimulation will eventually stop, leading to jawbone loss. You may also have a history of trauma to your teeth that may progress over the years until it eventually leads to bone loss. Your doctor may recommend bone grafting to reverse bone deterioration, promote bone growth, and restore function.


Teeth misalignment may interfere with your teeth’s ability to chew and grind correctly, leading to a no opposing teeth structure and causing bone deterioration. Your teeth lacking opposing force leads to low natural stimulation, thus causing bone loss. Such issues may include temporomandibular joint, crooked teeth, and wear and tear. After the loss of stimulation, the bone in that area will eventually deteriorate.


The bacterial infection causes inflammation in the bone, leading to a reduced blood supply to your jawbones. Eventually, your bone will deteriorate and lose function. You may need bone grafting to restore functionality and prevent bone loss.


You may develop benign and malignant tumors that may spread to your jaw. Benign tumors grow larger by day, thus prompting the need for the removal of a portion of your jaw. Bone grafting may be necessary to restore jaw functionality.

You can choose bone grafting by Dr. John Freeman at the facility today. The doctor has excellent skills in fixing facial concerns. He has extensive training in bone grafting to help restore bone loss that may have led to tooth loss. Your doctor will create a plan that addresses your bone loss issues. Book an online appointment today when you visit the website.

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