5 Common Myths Concerning the Bunions

5 Common Myths Concerning the Bunions

You will likely forget your toe when you take a moment and think about your body’s amazing capabilities. Many people usually underrate the existence of the toes since they cannot grasp anything as the fingers do. However, the reality is that your toe is essential in providing support and balance for everyday activities such as walking and running. Therefore, you should take an active role in maintaining the wellness of your toes. Sometimes, you may develop lumps on the big toe due to incorrect footwear, limiting your mobility. In that case, you should seek reliable treatment options for Pico Robertson, Beverly Hills bunions. Let us misspell the following myths concerning the bunions.

You Can Inherit This Condition

Many people are afraid that they will get this condition if their parents have it. However, the reality is that you inherit the bone structure that is more vulnerable to the bunions but cannot inherit the actual condition from your parents. The extreme strain on the big toe causes bulging lumps on the side of this toe.

The Shoe Type Cannot Dictate Whether You Will Get the Bunions

You may not understand the connection between people’s shoes and the risk of getting bunions. Even if not everyone who wears the shoes gets bunions, certain shoe types can increase the likelihood of developing lumps on the big toe. For example, when you keep wearing tight shoes, you develop limping walking habits that can expose you to the bunions.

Bunions Occur in Women Only

Some claim that only women can get the bunions because they wear high heels more often. However, the truth is that even men can develop bunions in their feet. Essentially, one of the triggers of the bunions is the foot conditions such as loose tendons and joints, which are also prevalent among men.

A Bunion Is Not a Big Deal

Some individuals argue that once you develop the bunions you should wait until they are painful for you to start seeking the treatment option. Nevertheless, immediate bunion treatment is recommendable since the bunions keep increasing in size, and the painful sessions can interfere with your everyday activities.

Surgery Is the Only Treatment for the Bunions    

While surgery can help treat the bunions, other treatment options can help correct the bulging lump on your toe. For example, you can opt for certain medication that helps to relax the skin along the bunions, thus reducing the chances of swelling. The bunion correctors can also do you good in eliminating the bending on your big toe.

Bunions are triggers of foot pain that may cause trouble while standing or walking. Therefore, you should consider a reliable medical intervention immediately after noticing that your big toe starts developing bumps on its side. Albert Elhiani, DPM, of Eazy Foot & Ankle, and his team of experienced professionals provide diverse treatment options to patients aspiring to correct and alleviate the bunions. Make an online booking today or call their office to get started with quality services.

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