Benefits Associated With Strength Training

Consider strength training to achieve a leaner look and increase your power during physical activities. The Rehab Docs has different strength training exercises for younger adults and other age groups. You may benefit from the Daniel Island strength training programs if you want to become stronger.

An overview of strength training

Strength training is a physical activity that involves several muscle groups, helping you become stronger. Strength training is more than just enhancing your athletic performance; these exercises have indispensable long-term health benefits. Additionally, strength training exercises help in losing excess weight and gaining more muscle, helping you achieve a toned and aesthetically pleasing body figure.

During your initial visit to the Rehab Docs, the team may discuss your goals and current abilities. They may also conduct several tests to ensure you are healthy enough to engage in intense physical exercise. You can use this time to inform your provider about your expectations and any medical conditions that may interfere with your strength training. The Rehab Docs specialists develop an individualized strength training plan and direct and support you to help achieve your body and health goals. They also monitor your progress to ensure you are getting stronger at the recommended rate. The team also teaches you exercises you can do at home.

Why you should consider strength training

The Rehab Docs team offers a wide range of strength training types, including muscular endurance, muscular hypertrophy, explosive power, maximum muscular strength, and circuit training. You may recommend muscular hypertrophy, circuit training, and muscular endurance as part of your strength training plan, and if you are an athlete, they may recommend strength and power training. The strength training exercise may involve equipment like weight machines, free weights, resistance bands, and sometimes your body weight. The benefits of strength training include:

  • Burns excess calories

Strength training boosts your metabolism in different ways. Building muscle accelerates your metabolic rate. Research also depicts that strength training exercises can increase your metabolic rate 72 hours later, meaning that you still burn extra calories after your workout.

  • Reduces abdominal fat

Abdominal fat, especially visceral fat, increases your risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, certain forms of cancer, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, and type 2 diabetes. Medical research shows that strength training reduces abdominal fat, reducing your risk of fat-related diseases.

  •  It creates an athletic look.

As you lose more fat and gain muscle, your body appears leaner. Strength training is a great way of achieving your dream body. A muscle is generally dense than fat, meaning you could achieve your waist goals, having lost only a few pounds.

  • Reduces your risk of falls

Strength training improves your ability to support your body, lowering your risk of falls. The team may incorporate resistance, functional training, and balance exercises to strengthen your resistance to falls. Other activities that improve your body balance include bodyweight exercises, tai chi, and a resistance band.

To explore the benefits of strength training, call The Rehab Docs office or click on the online scheduling button to create an appointment.

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